Decal Installation Instructions
Before beginning application of your new decal kit, move your bike frame into a warm and dry environment and let it acclimatize. With the frame warm and dry, clean the decal areas of the frame with a lint-free cloth and isopropyl alcohol.
Down Tube Decal Installation
- Carefully peel the clear front layer and decal layer off of the backer sheet.
- On the drive side of the bike, optically align the bottom edge of the down tube decal with line A in FIGURE 1 slightly above and parallel to the base facet on the frame. The left edge of the down tube decal should align with the optical center of the trunnion shock bolt or upper shock bolt depending on your bike model. This is shown by line B in FIGURE 1.
- With the decal approximately aligned according to FIGURE 1, beginning at one end, apply pressure to the decal and in a back and forth motion press and smooth the decal into position, working out any creases or air bubbles towards the edge of the decal.
- Now that the decal is firmly placed into position, carefully peel away the front clear layer covering the decal in a motion that is parallel to the down tube direction.
- Repeat steps 1-4 for the non-drive side of the bike with alignment notes pictured in FIGURE 2.
- Carefully peel the clear front layer and decal layer off of the backer sheet.
- Use the thin red line on the decal top sheet to approximately align the decal in the center of seat tube and position the top vertical edge of the decal approximately 40mm from the top of the seat tube.
- With the decal approximately aligned according to FIGURE 1, beginning at one end, apply pressure to the decal and in a back and forth motion press and smooth the decal into position, working out any creases or air bubbles towards the edge of the decal.
- Now that the decal is firmly placed into position, carefully peel away the front clear layer covering the decal in a motion that is parallel to the down tube direction.
- Carefully peel the clear front layer and decal layer off of the backer sheet.
- Use the thin red line on the decal top sheet to approximately align the decal in the center of the head tube.
- With the decal approximately aligned according to FIGURE 1, beginning at one end, apply pressure to the decal and in a back and forth motion press and smooth the decal into position, working out any creases or air bubbles towards the edge of the decal.
- Now that the decal is firmly placed into position, carefully peel away the front clear layer covering the decal in a motion that is parallel to the down tube direction.